Pollyanna (A1)
Eleanor H. Porter
Pollyanna comes to live with her Aunt Polly. Pollyanna always looks for the good in life and she helps her new friends to be happy again, but not her aunt! Will Aunt Polly learn to be happy? Pollyanna is eleven when she comes to live with her Aunt Polly, after... čítať viac
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Pollyanna comes to live with her Aunt Polly. Pollyanna always looks for the good in life and she helps her new friends to be happy again, but not her aunt! Will Aunt Polly learn to be happy? Pollyanna is eleven when she comes to live with her Aunt Polly, after her father dies. Life isn’t easy for Pollyanna. Her aunt is a difficult, cold woman and everyone in this small, American town is sad! But Pollyanna is good at making friends, and she always finds something to be happy about. Soon the people in the town start to change – until there is only one person who doesn’t know how to be happy… Pollyanna príde žiť k tete Polly. Vždy hľadá pozitívne stránky života a snaží sa pomôcť novým priateľom, aby boli opäť šťastní, ale teta pomoc odmieta. Bude niekedy Polly šťastná? Pollyanna má jedenásť, keď jej zomrie otec a musí sa presťahovať k tete. Život sa s ňou nemazná. Teta má zložitú povahu, chladná žena i všetci v tomto malom americkom mestečku sú smutní. Ale Pollyanna sa ľahko spriatelí a vždy si nájde dôvod na radosť. Postupne sa ľudia v meste začnú meniť – zostáva už len jedna osoba, ktorá nevie byť šťastná...
Dr. Josef Raabe Slovensko, s.r.o - (Eli Publishing)
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